- I LOVE ice cream. Something crazy. All kinds of ice cream. I’m an equal opportunity ice cream eater.
- I did not go to college after high school. I struggled with applying just because that’s what I was supposed to do, and was accepted to the art institute of Pittsburgh. After going through tuition costs, Josh and I decided that I would try to start my business without formal schooling first and learn in a less traditional way. That was a great decision! Now we get to go to conferences and learn from experts in our field and we are not 100k in debt.
- I’ve been going to the same church since 6th grade. (holler Greenville CMA!) We went to visit one day and stayed because there was a girl who came up and greeted me. In a small way, that act of kindness saved my life. I’m so thankful for my church family.
- I dated a few Josh’s before finding the right one when I was 14 years old. (seriously. all their names were josh.)
- I listen to rap music and podcasts while I’m showering/working out/ doing anything where my mind wanders.
- I have a love hate relationship with my iPhone. At least once a month I threaten to replace it with a flip phone because I hate how attached I am to it. On the flip side (ha!) I love being able to run my business while I’m on the go, and listen to music/podcasts whenever.
- I was 11 years old before I learned to ride a bike. I then proceeded to ride it from the second I got home from school until the streetlights came on every day for at least three years.
- My favorite flowers are daisies.
- I got my first camera when I was five years old. It was a pink barbie film camera that I took everywhere with me.
- When I was in kindergarten and first grade, I told everyone my favorite color was yellow and my favorite food was applesauce because even though my favorites where pink and pizza, even at that young age I wanted to go against the grain.

There you have it! 10 things you maybe didn’t know about me! I hope you enjoyed. Leave me a comment and let me know what you think!
November 23rd, 2016 at 1:30 am
Love them all but 9 is pretty high up there. That’s awesome at such a young age ☺️No wonder your so so amazing!! ❤️
November 23rd, 2016 at 1:54 am
10 things about Annie:
I am terrified of down escalators. Not up, just down.
I have a secret dream to be a published author. (Oops just let out my secret…)
I have always dreamed of adopting kiddos who just need a loving home.
I love chocolate. A lot.
I have never once dyed my hair and never plan to.
I have only worn make up twice in my life and it was for a play.
My favorite movie is Sound of Music and I can recite most of the words and lyrics along, much to the consternation of my husband…
My favorite flowers are lilacs or lavender but I love getting roses from my husband every year for my birthday because that is the first flower he ever gave me.
I wish I could play the piano.
My favorite Biblical character is Nehemiah because he kept a sword in one hand to defend his peeps, and a trowel in the other, not letting fear rule his life and keep him from the work the Lord gave him.
There, now we are on an even playing field. 😉
November 23rd, 2016 at 12:15 pm
Love you! Never would have guessed you listen to rap!