"life is a culmination of small moments, making up an incredible story"

Scott is one of my all time favorite people. I really can’t say enough nice things about him! He’s smart, funny, and is always serenading me with his (self taught!) guitar skills. When we started talking about his senior session, I knew it was going to be fun and he didn’t disappoint! Scott, you’re going […]

Throw Back Thursday :Scott [Jamestown PA Senior Photographer]

August 8, 2013

01 Seniors

So it’s Wednesday morning as I’m writing this. I really really wanted my Two on Tuesdays to happen every Tuesday, but it was more important to me that I get some real photos of our life, instead of the drab that was this Monday.  So, I took my camera with me last night when we […]

Two on Tuesday : Family Time

August 7, 2013

07 Josh + Jeanette at home

You may remember Miss A from this family session.  Well she turned one last month, and I’ve been dying to share her birthday photos! She is such a doll and is the most smiley baby I’ve ever met! (Even more smiley than K!) Enjoy some of my favorites from her birthday session. You can check […]

Miss A turns ONE! [Greenville PA Baby Photographer]

August 5, 2013

05 Portraits

If you were around last Thursday you got to see the beginning of this session. The second half is my favorite! Check it out.  

Throw Back Thursday : Ryan Part II [Greenville PA Senior Photographer]

August 1, 2013

01 Seniors

Something amazing happened on Sunday.  Something that blew me away. A dear friend and newly engaged client brought baby K a gift.  We shot her engagement session on Thursday. (that blog post will be coming!) I mentioned to her that I was trying to find a little rocking chair for K, so that when I’m […]

Two on Tuesdays : A present for K.

July 29, 2013

07 Josh + Jeanette at home

Today I’m throwing it wayyy back to a 2012 Greenville senior, Ryan. Ryan came to me at the very beginning of his junior year to start brainstorming session ideas.  We had so many ideas that he inspired what is now one of my most popular sessions, “the seasons experience”  We shot three sessions, and even […]

Throw Back Thursday : Ryan [Greenville PA Senior Photographer]

July 25, 2013

01 Seniors

Kaitlin is one of my 2014 Senior Model’s! We waited and waited and rescheduled about 30 times before we were able to FINALLY do her shoot. I have to say, I think it was worth the wait! We had so much fun, from setting up to actually shooting to tearing down. I can’t wait to […]

Kaitlin : Jamestown PA Senior Model

July 25, 2013

01 Seniors

This week’s post is a little different. The whole point of these posts is to force me to take out my “fancy camera” and document my own children’s lives creatively. With that said, I believe the best camera you have is the one you have on you, and there is no way I was going […]

Two on Tuesdays : Rain Day

July 23, 2013

07 Josh + Jeanette at home

Taylor is one of my 2014 senior models!  This is her model session, which is the equivalent to the ultimate session. We chose to get some helium balloons, find an awesome location (thanks Becky!) and rock it out! We had way too much fun with this session, and I can’t wait to shoot her other […]

Taylor : Senior Model [Greenville PA Senior Photographer]

July 19, 2013

01 Seniors

So, It’s come to this. I’ve been in denial about the fact that Julia is a senior, and now I have to face the fact that she is leaving for college in under 20 days! Julia happens to be my younger sister, and a 2013 graduate of Reynolds High School. She plans on attending Clarion […]

Throw Back Thursday : Julia [Transfer PA Senior Photographer]

July 18, 2013

01 Seniors

This week K is growing a bunch of teeth! We’ve been up crazy hours for the last couple nights, but she is still a happy camper. She loves to snuggle on this pillow when I leave it out, and she scoots her head over and pats the pillow so we can share. Cutest thing ever. […]

Two on Tuesdays : Greenville PA Baby Photographer

July 16, 2013

07 Josh + Jeanette at home

I met up with Megan a couple weeks ago for her one month meeting to go over her timeline for her wedding, and the very next day I got to meet the man she’s so excited to marry, Jeremy! During this session there was a lot of fun posing, and teasing me for making them […]

Jeremy & Megan [Mercer PA Engagement Photographer]

July 12, 2013

03 Engagement

Last fall I had the privilege of photographing an awesome 2013 senior from Greenville high school. Mindi brought her clarinet and her drum major uniform for some studio shots, and then we headed out to a couple cool locations near her house!   Mindi is also the holder of about a billion trophies and medals […]

Throw Back Thursday : Mindi [Greenville PA Senior Photographer]

July 11, 2013

01 Seniors

I don’t totally remember how Miss A’s mommy found me, but I am so glad that she did! I got to meet Miss A for the first time for easter mini’s when she was 8 months old, and we had so much fun we decided right then that we would see each other again soon.  […]

Laird Family Session [Greenville Family Photographer]

July 10, 2013

05 Portraits

Instagram feels @joshplusjeanette