Hello and Happy Holidays! I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving, and are enjoying gearing up for Christmas!
Christmas is my very favorite holiday. The smell of pies baking, the sound of Michael W Smith Christmas album in the background, and the huge tree in our dining room! I’ll have some photos up of our Christmas preperation, but I want to let you all know something I’m really excited about!
Because my job requires me to be super plugged in almost 24/7, I have my phone on me and I’m checking facebook constantly. It’s honestly exhausting to be that connected all the time.
So, in light of that, I’m removing facebook from my phone, and unplugging for all of December. I’m so excited about it, and I encourage you to take this next month to really connect with your family as well.
I’ll be checking my emails every morning, so if you need to contact me about an order, or to book your spring session you can do that here>> jeanette@jeanetterowley.com
Thanks so much for an awesome fall! See you in January!