Mark this down as one of my all time favorite weddings. There was laughter, there were tears, incredible incredible portraits and most of all, a long lasting, true love between the bride and groom. Mitch and Sam did something fun and different and had their wedding at Headwaters park in Erie! It’s not a wedding venue by trade, but they asked and were told yes! It was such a perfect fit for Mitchell and Sam. They are outdoorsy people with a love for adventure and every aspect of their day showed that!
One of my favorite moments of the day was when Sam was getting ready. There were some nerves, but more than anything else the feeling in the room was excitement. She said over and over again, ” I just can’t wait to see Mitchell!” She had genuinely missed him for the past 24 hours and couldn’t wait to reconnect with him.
Mitch blew it out of the park with his gifts to her the morning of. There wasn’t a dry eye in the room!
Sam did amazing also! Josh says that Mitch had one lone tear when he opened the gift, but didn’t wipe it away. He just let it happen. One thing I love about this couple. They’re not afraid to feel, and feel big!
After everyone was dressed, it was time to hike down for the ceremony!
This wedding ceremony in the woods was simple and beautiful. Everyone was so happy!
A few days before their ceremony they planted a tree by the location together!
After we did a few portraits at the park, Sam asked if we minded heading to “this gorge over there.” We’re down for pretty much anything so we said yes! We were BLOWN AWAY with how amazing it was!
Their reception was held at Capers reception hall, which was a really nice little venue and perfect for this wedding.
Josh took all of these daddy daughter dance images. I was busy crying like a baby. I dare you not to cry when you see a dad hugging his daughter like that.
After the cake cutting it was finally time for dancing!
Sam and Mitchell totally really became our friends! Sam and I eat the same salads, Mitch and Josh doodle to think. It’s a match made in heaven and we couldn’t have been happier to spend the day with them.
Sam and Mitchell, We love you guys! Thank you so much for the blessing of spending your day with you!