Our month started with a bang. Baby K turned FOUR. We started her special day at papaps house for a birthday breakfast, and it just got better from there. Really the entire week surrounding her birthday was a huge celebration. Omelettes for everyone!We stopped by the studio for an impromtu birthday photos at some point that week. It was a blast!
K’s friend P got her that “princess dress” and she wore it a solid 20 days this month.
April is a great month for rainy day fun, so one Tuesday (our day off) we headed to Niles to play on the indoor playground and eat taco bell! We also went to toys r us so the girls could buy each other gifts for K’s party.
The same day as K’s fourth birthday party, we had E’s dedication. It was really a beautiful day fill with family and friends. I only cried twice from the happy tears =D
P also got K these strange bug toys. They have been a huge hit! The night after her party Josh and I obviously spent a good hour playing with them. Who do you think made a better bug?
We also finally got a swingset! We are so thankful that the weather is starting to be nice again, and it’s about time for days full of outside playing and less trying to be creative with inside play. The swing set is a huge blessing!
We spent tons of time at the studio, Working, shooting, consults and also doing some major updates! We can’t wait for everything to come together. It’s so fun to see the girls come into the studio like it’s their home and get down to work with us!
There wasn’t much rest time, but when we did find it we treasured it. Family is the most important to us here!
More “family time” Josh is a servant at heart and did the brakes on my mom’s car while we played at their little farm. This may seem really silly, but one HUGE development this month was us getting our very first “big kids bed” We’ve had my broken box spring and mattress since I moved out of my parents home and it was really starting to take a toll on my momma body. So Josh got us a big comfy pillow top bed. Every night we are thankful for that!
On the parenting front, a new schedule has been implemented. Josh and the girls hung clocks in a few key rooms in the house so that everyone knows what time on the schedule we are at. It’s been really succesful for having “work time” and “play time” (and NAP TIME. haha!)
We went and saw all the “princess’s” at Reynolds grand march. It made the girls so happy!
As usual, there was a lot of teenager time! We love the model team and the time we get to spend with them each month! This month in particular there was also a lot of spaghetti! (more on that in a different post!)
Also a fairly frequent occurrence, Fresh Grounds time! This time though, we got ourselves stranded there because our van got an attitude about unlocking =D
It was a great month! What was YOUR favorite part of April in your life!?