Meet Brandy : Reynolds Class of 2015

We’re kicking off a new series here on the JRP Blog. Model Monday! The Model Team this upcoming year promises to be super amazing, (more on that in a different post!) and We are going to be featuring all the amazing members of our team, starting with the fabulous Magazine Cover Winner for the 2015 team.

I’m THRILLED to introduce you to Brandy!
Jeanette Rowley Photography _ Seniors _ Brandy (41)Brandy is a 2015 Senior from Reynolds High School.  She is also a JRP Senior Model, and the winner of the 2015 Magazine Cover Contest!  Check out these photos of her bragging it up with her own copy of the Twelfth Year Jeanette Rowley Magazine! All Seniors booking their sessions with Jeanette Rowley in the upcoming year will get to see Brandy’s Face in their welcome packet. Congrats Brandy!2014-12-01_0042

  • My mother and my Aunt Lorie


Jeanette Rowley Photography _ Seniors _ Brandy (38)Jeanette Rowley Photography _ Seniors _ Brandy (37)

  • Sky dive, move to North Carolina, visit Europe, meet Demi Lovato, get married

Jeanette Rowley Photography _ Seniors _ Brandy (36)Jeanette Rowley Photography _ Seniors _ Brandy (40)

  • Being a Raiderette

Jeanette Rowley Photography _ Seniors _ Brandy (39)Jeanette Rowley Photography _ Seniors _ Brandy (17)Jeanette Rowley Photography _ Seniors _ Brandy (18)Jeanette Rowley Photography _ Seniors _ Brandy (19)

  • My puppy Giovanni

Jeanette Rowley Photography _ Seniors _ Brandy (20)Jeanette Rowley Photography _ Seniors _ Brandy (21)Jeanette Rowley Photography _ Seniors _ Brandy (23)Jeanette Rowley Photography _ Seniors _ Brandy (24)Jeanette Rowley Photography _ Seniors _ Brandy (26)Jeanette Rowley Photography _ Seniors _ Brandy (30)

  • Demi Lovato’s makeup artist

Jeanette Rowley Photography _ Seniors _ Brandy (33)Jeanette Rowley Photography _ Seniors _ Brandy (34)Jeanette Rowley Photography _ Seniors _ Brandy (35)

  • Bridesmaids

Jeanette Rowley Photography _ Seniors _ Brandy (12)Jeanette Rowley Photography _ Seniors _ Brandy (13)Jeanette Rowley Photography _ Seniors _ Brandy (10)

  • It’s my senior year!

Jeanette Rowley Photography _ Seniors _ Brandy (5)Jeanette Rowley Photography _ Seniors _ Brandy (6)Jeanette Rowley Photography _ Seniors _ Brandy (7)Jeanette Rowley Photography _ Seniors _ Brandy (9)Jeanette Rowley Photography _ Seniors _ Brandy (8)

  • Shoes, but then again you can never have too many!

Jeanette Rowley Photography _ Seniors _ Brandy (14)Jeanette Rowley Photography _ Seniors _ Brandy (16)Jeanette Rowley Photography _ Seniors _ Brandy (15)

  • To get my masters in Speech Pathology

Jeanette Rowley Photography _ Seniors _ Brandy (4)Jeanette Rowley Photography _ Seniors _ Brandy (2)Jeanette Rowley Photography _ Seniors _ Brandy (3)Brandy, I am SO proud of the woman you’re becoming, and I know you are going to go on to do amazing things! It’s been a true pleasure working with you through your senior year! Jeanette Rowley Photography _ Seniors _ Brandy (1)









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