Kenny and Alyshia are the cutest human beings on the planet. We met up for their engagement photos at fellows gardens in Youngstown Ohio, and the first thing they said (after chuckling about finding our truck) was that they had brought this tiny hippo, and could we please use her in the photos. LOVE IT. She made her way into a few of them! See if you can’t find her. haha!
One of my favorite things about Kenny is how easily he can make Alyshia laugh. She laughs at everything he says! It’s infectious and really leaves anyone around them laughing too.
Fellows gardens was the perfect place for their engagement session! I feel like I can shoot there all the time and never get bored.
Also, can we talk for a second about her ring!? So pretty. Great job Kenny!
There is 100% chance that we almost got hit by a car taking these photos. It’s also one of their favorites so I would say it was worth it.
Alyshia’s dress has pockets!
We were technically “done” shooting at this point, and chatting about ice cream (which is basically the goal of the engagement session right?) but that golden light popped up and we got just a few more that were so fantastic!
Kenny and Alyshia, we love spending time with you guys. Thank you so much for choosing us to be a part of your wedding day!